RAZER Project McFly : First Hover Mouse
Razer, a company well known for it's gaming accessories.Razer is on top of the PC gaming mouse industry and continues to elevate it's technologies. Razer McFly , a project introduced by Razer which is kind of like a futuristic film gadget.McFly is a first of a kind HoverMouse ," Yeah that's right a hovermouse". Really when you see it blows your mind off.
Razer McFly, just by looking at the mouse looks stunning.However if Razer makes it possible,this will improve the mouse performance's than the usual and increase their functionality a lot more. McFly provides a fiction less gaming ,an ultra smooth experience which can really change the speed of work.A fusion of magnetized positional tracking and dynamic force technology gives a feedback of the 3D object in game just like in the real world. It basically emulates real life physical sensations.
So how does it hover ? Hover technology is based on electromagnetic repulsion of two surfaces. Razer technology basically amplifies Earth magnetic force and avoid collisions, creating collision-less magneto-thermodynamics. A 6400 dpi optical sensor calibrates the mouse to a desired height.It also gives a high amount of accuracy of calibration which makes the world a surface.
Razer McFly, just by looking at the mouse looks stunning.However if Razer makes it possible,this will improve the mouse performance's than the usual and increase their functionality a lot more. McFly provides a fiction less gaming ,an ultra smooth experience which can really change the speed of work.A fusion of magnetized positional tracking and dynamic force technology gives a feedback of the 3D object in game just like in the real world. It basically emulates real life physical sensations.

Razer has however not given a word for the release date for the McFly project. McFly however has a date in which it will either announce the finalized product or show the advancements in the project at the 21st Oct 2015.
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